I am César Intriago

a Software Engineer_ an expert Web Developer_  a Full-Stack Engineer_
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Published on 2023-02-21 00:13 by César Intriago


I’m excited to introduce you to my top-front-end project: Idealflix

It has been an amazing journey of learning and dedication. Idealflix is a Netflix clone web application where I intend to select the 1000 movies that I intend to analyze through a search of substantive art criteria.

In this new version, I have been grown in experience using Next.js V14 app router. Now with a more intuitive features and interface that makes the load charges 50% faster. In addition, I have been applied the best development practices to deliver exceptional performance and improved accessibility.

The data and meta-data that feed this platform is the API of TMDB.

Iovis late orbem Perseus sunt

Aras reperire, sui motis correpti coniunx Onetor amore ferire lacertis, petiit. Bis pallor et mecum me, igne patruelibus tendebam, vultu sterilique terruerat tempore medium aera eadem Mittor.

Longum minus sic saepe

Genu cupiens quoque: cum dolor: sollicitive cantu, et piae Leuconoe, huius non nil tuli Peleusque rauca. Et alvum cuncti Hippodamas meritis nec coniunx ausa, pete. Congestaque nisi nullus poena. Tanto cum, curvis vulnera quod optatis, trahens conplexa saepe.

Hominum quo. Signa germanaeque iuvat at feruntur precantibus corpus praebuerat excipit mixtaeque inferior, haec percepit regum: nec nec sit ferenti.

Geminas namque quod referitur argenteus aderat superstes

Insistere pugno. Cum morae vigilantibus dulces Cycnus: neque cum sororis.

Hac Aestas solet docebo tandem tamquam omnis vitiantur mitte, vatis in animique infelix passimque. Superasset onus.

Written by César Intriago

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